Wednesday, 13 December 2006

Something new for the people

Hi to all

This is something i started due to the shear disgust with Australian Politics.

Ok so I am new at this blog stuff so will get better as things get along.

Here you go a couple of things

also have the following done

Aged and Disabled care policy
People with Disabilities Policy
Policing and Crime Policy
Personal Responsibilities Policy
Politicians Responsibility Policy
Industrial Relations Policy
Veteran Affairs Policy

also still working on

Australian Product

as you should be aware this party is not registered and does not have a web site yet so still have to be careful with regards to spies from other parties as I have already been hit by a couple.

Am quite happy to hear your feedback as well.

I am a honest person that I believe and wont take any crap so be honest and that is all I can ask for.

if you are honestly interested I am quite happy to send more
thanks again